And yes, if that happens, you can honestly claim a Real Bigfoot Sighting. Be sure to let the Enquirer know too. . . .
If I had $20 for each of these idiot messages I received, I would be a Gazillionaire, and would be sending you this Tech Tip while seated in my chaise-lounge, sipping margaritas, on my private island in the Mediterranean.
However, this one is different.
My wife got an e-mail today from her boss - which contained a link to a news story. Having worked with RFID technology for years, I would believe this so fast it would make your head spin.
The gist of it is this:
First: Do you have any credit-cards with this symbol on them?
Here is an example of a credit card with that symbol on it. . . .
(I just received this to replace my Midwest Airlines credit card. I like it because it has a cat. . . a BIG cat. . . on it!)
Note the RFID symbol circled in red
Second: Do you carry them with you?
If so, than there are ways that people with simple, inexpensive scanners in something as small as a fanny-pack can grab your credit card info without you even knowing that they grabbed it. It's a new technique called "Electronic Pick-Pockets"
If you carry a newly issued passport, they can grab more than just your credit card number too. . . .
Go visit this link if you don't believe me.
I normally don't go for stuff like this, but THIS one scares me.
- Wrap your card(s) in aluminum foil
- Slip them into a small metalized anti-static sleeve.
- Leave them at home, and ask your credit card company for one that's NOT RFID.
I really don't want to see you get ripped off for Christmas