Orignially published on 10/29/09 as
"WOW! Did Fedora pooch THAT revision. . . ."
(Shaking my head in wonder. . . .)
I decided - *after* doing a soup-to-nuts backup, and verifying I could bare-metal restore - to upgrade Storage3 (my RAID box) from Fedora 10 to Fedora 11.
I do the download of the update files, let Fedora reboot into the "update" part of the install, and. . . Zippiddy-doo-da! I get as far as "searching for hardware devices" and it goes brain-dead.
So. . . Figuring there might be a real simple workaround, I did a web search, and found Fedora Bug 507411 - which, (in the developer's own reply to the bug!), states:
Reference citation:
=========== begin inserted text ==============
Comment #4 From Dave Lehman 2009-08-14 12:54:42 EDT -------
(In reply to comment #0)
> Description of problem:
> Install fails at "finding storage devices". Last week I tried the install with
> the install DVD when I ran into the anaconda bug, but I had now way to get the
> report out of the install environment. Now I've tried the install with the Live
> CD and "Install to Hard Drive" with the same result. I've attached the anaconda
> bug report.
> the install DVD when I ran into the anaconda bug, but I had now way to get the
> report out of the install environment. Now I've tried the install with the Live
> CD and "Install to Hard Drive" with the same result. I've attached the anaconda
> bug report.
Fedora 11 does not support the use of partitioned md devices.
We are working on at least not crashing when we find them for F12.============ end inserted text ==============
The user’s reply – immediately after this post – was a model of diplomatic caution. He refrained – manfully – from making the usual references to both Microsoft, Vista, and their apparent ability to eff-up a wet-dream.
However, he made it abundantly clear that "not support[ing] the use of partitioned md [RAID] devices" was an absolute masterpiece of technological advancement.
WHAT?! They "[do] not support the use of partitioned md devices". . . . Holy smokes Batman!!
What is even *MORE* a "Holy Smokes, Batman!!" is the "Oh, we want to make it so we don’t crash when we find them – for Fedora *12*"
Don’t "crash"? Didn’t you guys test the upgrade path with, at least, *simple* RAID devices installed? I would have expected – from Fedora at least – to have handled the upgrade seamlessly.
Especially in my case since my machine's system drive is most definitely NOT a RAID device. . . .
There were several other comments like this from people who had "md" devices on their F-10 boxes – and when they tried to update to F-11 - they got the classic Zippo (with the Red Hat Emblem)!
The bad news is that I have half an upgrade sitting on my machine – somewhere.
The good news is that it appears to NOT trash the existing install. I guess what I’ll have to do is reboot back into F-10, edit out the F-11 installation startup from Grub, and then manually remove all the artifacts – hopefully they are all in /tmp or such like – where I can get to them without effing up the entire system.
Looks like I’m staying at F-10 for a while!!